Dominik Geimer
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Publish an RDS RemoteApp from a network share


You want to publish an application via Remote Desktop Services RemoteApp, which is located on a network share, but you get an error message when you try to do this via the Server Manager.


You can use PowerShell command New-RDRemoteApp to publish the RemoteApp.

New-RDRemoteApp -Alias "App Name" -CollectionName "Collection" -DisplayName "App DisplayName" -FilePath "\\networkshare\app.exe"

You can also publish .cmd or .bat files, but then you have to specify the -IconPath.

New-RDRemoteApp -Alias "App Name" -CollectionName "Collection" -DisplayName "App DisplayName" -FilePath "\\networkshare\app.bat" -IconPath "c:\app\app.exe"


As with my previous article (Change the icon of a published RemoteApp in Windows Server), not all settings can be done via the GUI, but it is still possible via PowerShell.

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